Saturday brought nice weather, though a little windy, I managed a decent 30 mile road ride to the river. But Sunday really reminded me why I love mountain biking.
Headed down to Fair Hill with the hubby and one of his 'guys' teammates where we saw close to 50 people showing up to ride at Fair Hill. Some to pre-ride the race course and others just there to enjoy the trials. Got to talk with and ride with people that I hadn’t seen in way too long.
At one point I just sat back to enjoy watching all the riders coming and going. Once we finished pre-riding the race course we enjoyed a good lunch with the 'guys' group.
Later Bikewrench came over and grabbed the bike and parts to complete the 'upgrades' this week. Can't wait to do my next ride with shifters that "work" (for me anyway…)
The weekend concluded with the hubby and I enjoying a good dinner and a few beers.
What could be better... riding, more riding and hanging out with fellow mtnbikers, friends and the hubby...
(And ignoring any aspect of work until Monday)
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