I still acknowledge it's a beginner race and I had hoped to do sport. But it still felt great.
I went into the day with no expectations, I had no idea what the course was like and wasn't worked up about wanting to place well. First or last could equal Nationals. I was more interested in how hubby would do and pulling for him to have a great race. Don't think I realized I was "going racing" until about 30 minutes before. I had a few thoughts that I didn't want to go out first like I did at Fairhill (since that didn't have good results).... but I apparently did anyway.
Went into the trail side by side for first, into the first little climb. The two of us were climbing well but then I shifted and experienced my reoccurring chain suck issue (even with the new chain rings). Had to hop off the bike and fell to third. I was thinking 'here we go again, great start to last'... But that only lasted a moment and I managed to get back into second place before the finish of the climb. Into the first decent I could see first place and made my way by through the rocks just enjoying the little decent. Then it hit me, I was in first. A first for me..
Greenbier was my first race that I actually rode like a race and not a ride. I didn't slow down, I didn't back down. I didn't stay behind people being polite, instead yelled out (hopefully still politely) 'rider back - going on your left'. It was the first time I rode realizing I just had to keep it going, don't do anything stupid and you could actually finish first. Yea, my mind was going non-stop. Everything from I wish I could be doing this in the faster classes to I'm learning how to actually race to what a blast of a course!
The course was wet and muddy with some rocks! a blast! Have I mentioned before - I LOVE rocky courses and Greenbier actually had a few rocks so you could enjoy being on a mountain bike. The rain the night before added to my enjoyment. It was great blasting through the muddy water (since we were the early group on the course it hadn't become a gooey sludge). Granted there was more climbing than I wanted... but all do-able climbing.
Finished my race and searched for the hubby. Managed to get a little stressed watching everyone line up for the next race, his race, which about to start and no hubby around. Didn't know he was on a pre-ride. Then he magically appeared just before the start. Hubby did awesome - missed him coming through each lap but caught him at the end when he finished second for his group out of 30 some riders. I was so pleased knowing he qualified for one and finished awesome for two.
The mud was a little messy but the lake provided a little washing area -
Many rider's went above and beyond any thought I could imagine, refusing to get a DNF... Broken derailleur's brought some big challenges. One rider (Acura Matt) broke his derailleur and ran backwards and back to his car to fix his bike and start over. It took me a minute to click that I was saying hey to him when he should be Racing!
Nikki shocked me when she came running in after her first lap and informed me that she too had broke her derailleur.
Now the thoughts move on to Frenchcreek, the next MASS race.... and many thoughts there are.